Archive | October, 2017

Doing the same thing every day and expecting a different result …… WHY?

31 Oct

One of my clients has developed a 2-hour training program that will help any salesman grow their production who follows this easy, NO COST (after 2-hour training w/Q&A) VERY UNIQUE system.


Thorough training Course is available individually, over Skype, or your sales team at your office (or Skype). Whichever fits best for you and your Sales Team. If you want to stand out way above your competition, then this is for you or you and your sales team.


What is it worth to you to dramatically increase your production in an amazingly unique manner that will bring in referrals like you have never seen before? It is up to you.


Let’s talk. If you are interested after we talk then I will connect you with my client so you can talk with him. A branch of a large Investment Firm hesitatingly went forward with this training and, before the session was over they could not wait to start making contacts to dramatically increase their sales.


John Chandler


MORE SALES ~ BUT, are you ready to go get them?

30 Oct

I have watched the Mortgage Industry and other Sales Driven industries market themselves the same way for more than 50 years …

NOW, there is a NEW – MORE EFFECTIVE way ………. BUT – are they ready to learn about it?
This works for ANY sales-driven business.
John Chandler 

INCREASE SALES ~ Lead the way by being revolutionary

30 Oct

If you want more sales, we should talk.


One of my clients has developed the MOST unique method of building and increasing sales for ANYBODY who follows his simple, in-depth training.


You can be the leader in your field or you can be the company trying to catch up with the company who started this successful marketing trend in your field.


ohn Chandler


Increase sales with a simple technique your sales team can be taught …

27 Oct

If you watch sales people … ALL sales people … they tend to use very similar techniques that have been taught for generations.  Sure, there have been some slight variations, but NEVER before now has there ever been taught this incredible technique that will help sales people see the kind of increases in their production as they will with this.


Even though this is simple on the surface, there are trouble areas that will torpedo this technique, but Rick goes over those in detail so those areas will be avoided.  After the training session is over all sales persons are excited and re-invigorated and ready to make sales and make money … for them, for you and for the company.


Want to know more?   Let’s talk.  Rick has a special offer that is good if you set a pre-paid seminar by November 22, 2017 with as little as a 50% down payment.


John Chandler





26 Oct

Doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results …


Doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results.

For Sales teams wanting to increase sales, TRY SOMETHING NEW that is working AND, between today (October 26, 2017) and November 22, 2017, get this unparalleled training at your facility at 50% off!


My client has the solution, however, he will train only one entity in each geographical location no matter what the industry. He is working with several other businesses around the country and in each market, whoever is ready to take advantage of this unique solution to getting a LOT more business will get the help and training.


The one-time investment in this training is typically fully recovered in one – four weeks, depending on the industry and compensation schedule therein. Auto sales should easily be full recovery the first week with incredible income thereafter. Mortgage Industry it is typically 3 – 4 weeks, simply because of the length of time it takes to get a loan from application to close. Insurance is typically in the one to 4 week range due tot he nature of the industry. Investments is also typically one – 4 weeks. Other sales fields are based on the standard cycle.


If you would like to see more production in your sales team to boost their income, your income and your company’s income, then we need to talk and you need to hire Rick to train your team. Training is typically 2 to 2 1/2 hours and includes questions and answers.


The decision is yours. Do you want to talk about moving forward to watch sales rise, or are you content where you and your sales team and their production is? If you are interested in knowing more, or scheduling training, please contact me and I will connect you with my client directly.


Today through Thanksgiving my client is offering this incredibly and successfully dynamic Sales Training at 50% off of his standard fee. To participate in this offer each business must schedule and pay for the training, including travel, accommodations and meals by November 22, 2017. Payment can be made by mail or wire transfer, if preferred.


John Chandler



A LARGE Financial Company Asked For Help getting More Business = ANSWER

26 Oct

My client has the solution, however, he will train only one entity in each geographical location no matter what the industry. He is working with several other businesses around the country and in each market, whoever is ready to take advantage of this unique solution to getting a LOT more business will get the help and training.


The one-time investment in this training is typically fully recovered in one – four weeks, depending on the industry and compensation schedule therein. Auto sales should easily be full recovery the first week with incredible income thereafter. Mortgage Industry it is typically 3 – 4 weeks, simply because of the length of time it takes to get a loan from application to close. Insurance is typically in the one to 4 week range due tot he nature of the industry. Investments is also typically one – 4 weeks. Other sales fields are based on the standard cycle.


If you would like to see more production in your sales team to boost their income, your income and your company’s income, then we need to talk and you need to hire Rick to train your team. Training is typically 2 to 2 1/2 hours and includes questions and answers.


The decision is yours. Do you want to talk about moving forward to watch sales rise, or are you content where you and your sales team and their production is? If you are interested in knowing more, or scheduling training, please contact me and I will connect you with my client directly.


Today through Thanksgiving my client is offering this incredibly and successfully dynamic Sales Training at 50% off of his standard fee. To participate in this offer each business must schedule and pay for the training, including travel, accommodations and meals by November 22, 2017. Payment can be made by mail or wire transfer, if preferred.


John Chandler



SALES DEPARTMENT ~ Are you ready to increase sales without added expense?

25 Oct

One of my clients will, for a nominal fee, train your sales team how to increase their sales with NO added cost to them, the company or the customer.


Only one company will be trained how to increase sales with little effort and no added cost. BUT, no other company will be trained in this incredible technique within 200 miles of any other.


I don’t care if you are selling automobiles, mortgage loans, furniture or whatever, this method works and, after a detailed training program, will help dramatically increase sales at no additional expense to the company or sales team.


As a bonus, each person in the training class will receive a video e-mailed to them for their periodic review, if they feel the need.


Do you want to know more? Contact me and your sales team can be on their way to an unparalleled increase in sales production.


John Chandler



Training To Get A Leg Up In Your Presentations To Add Value To Them And You

23 Oct

The primary function in any sales situation is building rapport with your prospect. Have you ever been given inside information about the prospect before your presentation? Do you remember how that felt? I know for me it gives me a leg up and I immediately begin developing a way to engage the customer. In a sense it improves your confidence in your opportunity. 


Well, did you know that there is a way to quickly gauge a prospects personality within seconds, giving you that same leg up? There is and this method is used in medical schools across the nation on how to gain quick rapport with their patients. The same method is an incredible tool for sales representatives that want to put more income in their pockets.


If your company wants to improve profits, build better rapport with your customers, for a small training investment with a great ROI, then you have your opportunity. I will connect you with my client who will answer all of your questions.


If we don’t talk how will you know that this will work for you?


John Chandler



Getting More Production From Your Sales Team With Very Little Initial Cost

23 Oct

Most often it is the simple actions that achieve the biggest results and this is the best. Because it is so simple and easy, most people will ignore it and move on. Only those with an open mind and a little vision will see the awesome value here.


For the benefit of those businesses who want to dramatically increase their sales, my client will only train one business of any kind within a 200 mile radius of any other he has trained. This way, your business will be unique and all of your competition will wish they had done this first. Again, your business will be the only one of any kind my client trains in detail in this very unique method of dramatically increasing business in at least a 200 mile radius.


You can either lead or get out of the way … be the first, or be an “also-ran”


This will benefit just about any business that relies on their sales team to grow and thrive. The method seems simple but my client will share with those in each class the details that can not be avoided to help each salesman be THE most successful.


Let’s talk … the only cost is time.


John Chandler




It doesn’t take a lot or cost anything other than time and training to have your marketing program excel –

20 Oct

My client is training Sales Teams all across the country how to lead the way in their market, not just their product. He is keeping his training somewhat exclusive in that he will train only one business every 200 miles or so on this brilliant, proven consept that almost none are using today.


Getting on board today shows that you and your company are leaders. Being the first to initiate and selectively utilize this concept will keep you ahead of your competition or help propel you ahead of the leader. Being the first is always the best.


If you and your sales team are forward thinkers then this is for you. If not, then someone else in your market will be trained to most effectively utilize this incredibly awesome method and lead the way.


My client, in a 2 to 2 1/2 hour detailed training session with Q & A, AND a video of the training session for each person to review as desired, will train your team how to become (or stay) # 1 in the market. It’s not rocket science, but there are stumbling blocks to watch out for, that my client details in his teaching.


Let’s at least talk. If you want even more information, then I will connect you with my client. What is better than that?


John Chandler
